
Selling your Unit
  • Contact Greenview Properties and let them know you are selling your unit. Greenview will provide instructions for Sellers and Buyers explaining the process. 
  • Work with a licensed real estate agent to list your unit.
  • Stony Hollow does not maintain a listing of units for sale.
  • Find an Attorney to assist with your sale who is familiar with Co-op Sales.
Pre Closing
  • Tell the Buyer that they must complete and submit a Purchase Application Packet – refer them to our buyers page.
  • Your buyers must attend a Board of Directors Interview.
  • Approvals/Denials from Board of Directors are submitted to Greenview within 24 hours of the interview.
  • Contact maintenance for pre-closing inspection. This is optional but a final inspection is required 10 days prior to closing. You must correct any deficiencies before closing. By having a pre-inspection there will be no surprises when you have your final inspection.
  • Greenview will inform Maintenance of your closing date and they will contact you for a Final Inspection.
Closing – Arranged by sellers, buyers, and the cooperative’s attorneys
  • Provide the unit keys to the buyer. Also bring your Mailbox Key – the United States Postal Service maintains our mailboxes and we do not have duplicate keys.
  • Bring your Prospectus. Paper copies are available from the management company for a charge of $100.
  • Closings are usually held at Felberbaum, Halbridge, & Wirth.
  • Any additional requirements will be communicated by your attorney.
Moving Out of your Unit
  • You may move out seven days a week between 8AM and 8PM.
  • We recommend moving out on a week day between 10 and 3 as more parking may be available for large moving trucks.
  • Leave adequate time to be completed with your move by 8PM.
  • Moving Pods or Containers are not allowed on Property.
  • Parking Permits should be returned to Maintenance.
  • Gate RFID Tags will be deactivated when the new owner takes possession of the unit.
A Pre-Inspection is Required when Listing your Unit for Sale
You must contact Greenview Properties to set up a pre-closing inspection. Certain items are required to be remedied before a unit is cleared to go to closing. Once you have a Board Approved buyer for you unit, a final closing inspection will be scheduled. Please note that all items which have failed inspection must be remedied directly by the seller before a unit will be released for the closing to proceed. As with any alteration you may hire any contractor of your choice, however please refer to the alteration application section for a list of items required before your contractors are cleared to complete work on the property. All documents must be submitted in one submission via email to
To note a few items which will be checked during the inspection for compliance.
  • Windows – All windows must be white PVC with internal grids. Wood windows will be required to be replaced regardless of condition
  • Fencing – All units with wood fences must be upgraded to the white pvc regardless of condition. There is only one approved vendor for fencing. You are required to use Smith Pointe Fencing to ensure uniformity in the fencing throughout the property
  • AC Sleeves – Your AC must be placed into a properly installed AC sleeve. Unit which have the AC directly cemented into the exterior walls, missing sleeves, sleeves that do not match or          improperly pitched will be required to be replaced. ****your ac unit itself must also be the proper size for the allotted sleeve****
  • Stove Gas Valve – Per code the gas valve must be located directly behind the stove, if your gas valve is not located there, it will require you to hire a plumber to have it moved.
  • Shut off Valves – All shut off valves for toilets and sinks must be fully operational.
  • Leaks – any and all leaking pipes must be repaired.
  • Outlets/Light Switches – All outlets, light switches and proper GFCI outlets installed in bathrooms and kitchens must be operatable.